Please consider donating to our FREE After-School Art Program


School Year 2023-2024 is about to begin! We will start our classes the first week of September. Our free after-school art is all about exploration! Friends will be offered a few materials, a bit of instruction on how to use those materials, then kiddos are able to explore!

These classes are for kiddos who are school age!

Classes run on Tuesdays - 5pm to 6pm
Classes run Tuesday September 5, 2023 - May 14, 2024

There are no classes:
Tuesday January 9 - We have a private event that day

Tuesday March 26
Tuesday May 14 is the last class of the 23-24 year

We ask that friends sign up for attendance so that we can limit the amount of kiddos in the space at a time.

If you sign up for multiple classes, please attend those classes. If you are signed up for a class and do not come to class and do not talk to us about the absence we will automatically cancel any future reservations so that we can let other kiddos in.

Can you help fund this program?
Please donate here.

The MAC has been providing free art instruction to kiddos in our community since we opened our doors in 2017. Our free after-school program came into being soon after.

Our program traditionally meets once a week for an hour to create together. It was open to any school age child who could reach us by the beginning of our class time.

When the pandemic hit in March we immediately started up our free craft kits. Once a week we loaded up anywhere between 20-70 bags with materials. We built a new cabinet out front of our building with the help of Robert Lovsey Jr out of Benld, IL. Our cabinet not only housed the free craft kits, but also we were able to share materials that we have an abundance of to our community.

This service is provided free to every kiddo that desires it.

We do need help to fund this project for the kiddos of the community. We will have 32 weeks of free crafts for Fall 2022-Spring 2023. Each week with new useful materials that the kiddo will be able to use for our specific craft, but also they can use these materials at home to create self-directed artworks. We want to make sure our kiddos have the tools they need in order to make art.

Donate now to help us find this project!

Wanna help by purchasing materials? Here’s what we need! Click HERE!